
Thank you for your interest in using the Interactive Research Methods Lab (IRML). We are dedicated to providing a positive and productive space for researchers of all levels. 

Due to the growing demand for the use of the IRML facilities, we have implemented a streamlined reservation system to ensure efficient scheduling. 
Reserve Your Ideal Research Environment: Please choose the reservation type that aligns with your needs and complete the corresponding form. Following your submission, you will receive a confirmation email. One of the IRML team members will contact you within one business day to finalize your reservation details.

  • Event Reservation: Schedule workshops, conferences, or other research-related or professional gatherings (click here).
  • Class or Session Reservation: Reserve the space for your research-focused course, workshops, information sessions, or other research-related with educational purposes (click here)
    If you have any questions and/or requests that require immediate attention, please contact Dr. Parandoosh Boger-Sadeghinia (Research Associate) <>